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Render tiles

  • Bespoke, flexible and versatile facade cladding

    • Sto's innovative render tiles can be used to create the look of brick, wood, concrete, or any number of other shapes, colours or patterns
      Sto's innovative render tiles can be used to create the look of brick, wood, concrete, or any number of other shapes, colours or patterns
    • StoEcoshape render tiles combined with render create a unique facade inspired by Esscher's drawings at MSG De Garve in Lochem, The Netherlands
      StoEcoshape render tiles combined with render create a unique facade inspired by Esscher's drawings at MSG De Garve in Lochem, The Netherlands
    • A textured facade featuring StoEcoshape render tiles to create the new Kulturhus De Spil, Nieuwleusen, The Netherlands
      A textured facade featuring StoEcoshape render tiles to create the new Kulturhus De Spil, Nieuwleusen, The Netherlands

    Sto's innovative, prefabricated render tiles are manufactured from our own render materials, providing the same durable, weatherproof and highly impact resistant properties as render but with a vast range of design and aesthetic potential, whether used alone or in combination with other facade materials.

    Choose from eight basic surface textures, or create your own. Each panel can be produced to the maximum dimensions of 840 x 420mm and between 4 to 8mm thick, in a vast range of colours, shapes and patterns. Further customisation can be achieve with a choice of the colour of the joint material.

    *Please note: Specific products & systems may not be available or suitable for all locations due to local building regulations and standards. Please contact your local Sto expert for advice on locally available products and systems.

  • Prefabricated render elements, to your design

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    VIDEO (Dutch): Sto Ecoshapes - facade cladding according to your own design [04:32]

    On of the major benefits of prefabricated render tiles is their versatility and design possibilities, created in the Sto factory and delivered to site for rapid and consistent installation. These tiles can be customised to a vast range of shapes, textures, colours and effects. These include:

    • Brick effect render tiles - StoCleyer B
    • Wood effect render tiles - StoCleyer W
    • Concrete effect render tiles - StoCleyer C
    • Bespoke render tiles - StoEcoshape

    The materials used to create these render tiles can be customised and experimented with, to develop a unique design in collaboration with the Sto technical team. Alternatively, there are a range of pre-configured suggestions of designs to choose from.

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We are Sto, how can we help you?

  • Audra Lee
    Audra Lee Sto Singapore
  • Otto Norling
    Otto Norling Sto Sweden
  • Wei Zhuang
    Wei Zhuang Sto China
  • Riccardo Rossi
    Riccardo Rossi Sto Italia
  • Mark Harris
    Mark Harris Sto Gulf Region
  • Murat Yarar
    Murat Yarar Sto Turkey

Global presence. Local knowledge.
Feel free to contact us.