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Hilton Hotel, Athens (Greece)

Meletiki - A. N. Tombazis and Assoziates Architects Ltd.; Harry K. Bougadellis and Associated Architects S. A.

The conversion of the Hilton Hotel in Athens, designed by the Greek architectural firm Meletitiki – A. N. Tombazis and Harry K. Bougadellis, offers the ultimate in luxury. Special importance was attached to perfection in design and function. One of the features includes the acoustic ceiling system StoSilent Panel, which was installed over an area of approx. 7000 square metres.

Meletiki - A. N. Tombazis and Assoziates Architects Ltd.; Harry K. Bougadellis and Associated Architects S. A., Athen
AKTOR, Athen; Theocaris S. A., Glyfada
Building Owner:
Ionian Hotel Enterprises S.A., Ixia
Acoustic system
Nikos Daniilidis, Athen

Project Location

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