Intersectoral Cooperation for the Common Good: The Energetic Transition.
Energy Poverty is everywhere, but it manifests differently depending on a complex set of parameters. Climate conditions, materials used in construction, the behavior of building occupants and the energetic matrix of every region or country are some of these. Nonetheless, the results are the same: we are harming the environment we need to successfully thrive in. Providing solutions for the phenomena of thermal transmission, airtightness of the building envelope and even incorporated technologies for the mechanic ventilation with heat recovery for buildings, we at Sto can proudly say that we are doing our share – and this, by the highest standards – all over the globe.
Setting standards, putting them into action.
Our Chilean subsidiary acknowledged that our shared know-how can be set in use for bigger objectives than just our solutions and products. The first half of ´21 was a particular semester containing two substantial achievements: the successful hand-in of the draft for a Chilean EIFS/ETICS Norm, developed by the Construction Institute for the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism – which will ensure long lasting passive solutions for the entire market – and the 4th version of the architectural competition “Proyectar a Conciencia” (Designing with Conscience). Birthing from our company motto “Building with Conscience”, the competition “Designing with Conscience” aims to generate a common discussion between industry, architects, and academia on current public-policy subsidized actions around the retrofit of existing constructions.
A competition where everyone wins.
For its latest reiteration, and co-sponsored by the Chilean Chamber of Construction, Sto Chile´s initiative aimed at the retrofit of existing public schools. With more than 30.000 USD in prizes, the winners of the competition are going to donate their BIM projects to the public authorities in charge of the respective schools – and since this actually is a subsidized activity by the Ministries of Energy & Education, expectations of effective construction are high – all under the concept of circular economy and technological bridges between regions and sectors. Below are selection of the films explaining the aims, objective as well as a selection of the winning schemes.
YouTube Videos:
Designing with conscience | Interviews/ Proyectar a Conciencia | Entrevistas
1st Place Designing with Conscience / 1er lugar Proyectar a Conciencia
2nd Place Designing with Conscience/ 2do lugar Proyectar a Conciencia
3rd Place Designing with Conscience/ 3er lugar Proyectar a Conciencia
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