Back issues of [ark] magazine: 2006
Cover of [ark] magazine, 01/2006: Sketch of Bundeshaus International Congress Centre, Bonn, Germany by yes-architecture
Articles- Foreword by Jochen Stotmeister
- Face to face: "'There can be no doubt that most contemporary architects and most modern painters and sculptors have lost the capacity or even the will to work together', wrote Siegfried Giedion in 1947. What is the situation today? Do architects and artists 'get on', and what can they learn from one another? What experience do you have of working together with artists?", with Alison Brooks (London), Vittorio Gregotti (Milan) and Ilmari Lahdelma (Helsinki)
- "A glowing crystal" with Ruth Berktold and Marion Wicher, yes-architecture
- "The colour code of Chinese architecture", with Yves Charnay and Song Jian Ming
- "Textured wall coverings are enjoying a renaissance. What functional advantages do these wall finishes offer and how has their design developed?", by Frank Kornelius of Sto Germany
- "Wood outdoors can be susceptible to mould. It appears to be increasingly prevalent on the undersides of roofs. Is this more than just a cosmetic problem?", by Anders Rydeblad of Sto Scandinavia Sweden
- "Decorative facade elements are enjoying growing popularity - both in the renovation of protected historical buildings and in new buildings. The market for profiles, cornices, rustication stones, etc. is confusing, however. What materials are available, and how do they differ in terms of quality?", by Axel Polland of StoVerotec Germany
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- City guide: Warsaw - the phoenix that rose from the ashes
- Parkside office building, Zurich, Switzerland (Kaufmann, van der Meer + Partner AG)
- Istanbul-Istanbul community, Istanbul, Turkey (Charles Legler / CMLA Architects and Planners, Eser Guven Özbay)
- BDA offices with 'flexiroom', Stuttgart, Germany (Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten)
- Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth, United Kingdom (Hedley Greentree Partnership - design, Scott Wilson Advanced Technology Group - structural design, Harrington Design - interior design)
- Cemetery church, Rottendorf, Germany (Kosig + Kosig)
- Radisson SAS Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany (John Seifert Architects - architecture, Matteo Thun - interior design, Schindler + Werb - supervision of works)
- Residential building, Bad Wildungen, Germany (Architekturbüro Gehring & Partner)
- Public convenience, Cambridge, United Kingdom (FRR - Freeland Rees Roberts Architects)
- Novartis Forum 3, Basel, Switzerland (Diener & Diener Architekten, with Hemlut Federle and Gerold Wiederin - architects, Emmer Pfenninger Partner - facade designers, Sevil Peach Gence Associates - interiors)
- "Aqua Dome" spa centre, Längenfeld, Austria (Schnögass + Nußbaumer - design, Schnögass + Partner Ziviltechniker GmbH - planning, Peter Paul Tscheikner - outside facilities)
- The Royal Palace restoration, Warsaw, Poland
- Constitutional tribunal, Warsaw, Poland (Sołtyk & Sołtyk Architekci)
2006-02 - Special issue: The health sector
Cover of [ark] magazine No.02-2006: 'A discreet presence' by Baumschlager Eberle Architekten
Articles- Foreword by Jochen Stotmeister
- "Investigating with you: Statisticians predict that the average age of Europeans in the middle of the 21st Century will be just under 60 years. What does architecture look like that takes into account such an ageing society, and where do you already see a development towards more age-appropriate architecture?", with Ladislav Lábus (Prague), Christine Nickl-Weller (Munich) and Søren Robert Lund (Copenhagen)
- "A discreet presence", by Baumschlager Eberle Architekten
- "Taking the colour of medications seriously", by Jill Morton
- "Eco labels: Providing guidance in the building sector"
- "Decontaminable coatings"
- "Dissipative floor coverings"
- "Hygienic standards in the building materials industry"
- "Following nature's model" - Photocatalytic interior paints
- City guide: Geneva - birthplace of international humanitarian law
- Machida Court Machida, Tokyo, Japan (Masanobu Komuro)
- Radon Revital spa in Menzenschwand St. Blasien, Germany (Sacker Architekten)
- Hôpital Intercommunal, Pornic, France (Didier le Borgne et Associés SARL)
- Clinic, Werneck, Germany (Architekten Stich Ziegler Zirngibl)
- Children's clinic of the St. Elisabeth and St. Barbara hospital, Halle, Germany (Weicken Architekten)
- Extension to Amstelveen hospital, Amstelveen, The Netherlands (Architectenbureau Hans van Twillert)
- Old people's and nursing home in Angerstraße, Hamburg, Germany (Kleffel Papay Warncke Architekten)
- Vitalcenter, Ostfildern, Germany (HSP Hoppe Sommer Planungs GmbH)
- Regional medical council building, Stuttgart, Germany (Aldinger & Aldinger)
- 't Nieuwe Gasthuis old people’s home, Gorinchem, The Netherlands (EGM Architecten bv)
- University hospital, Malmö, Sweden (Nyréns Arkitektkontor)
- Renovation journal / Part 1 - Multiple dwelling at Arend Braye Strasse 2-6, Lörrach, Germany)
Cover of [ark] magazine No.03-2006: Sketch of 'Memory for the future / Foyer and Lecture Hall in Leipzig University' by Erick van Egeraat associated architects
Articles- Foreword by Jochen Stotmeister
- ECOLA: Winners announced: Adambräu brewing house, Innsbruck, Austria / 'Folded house', Klosterneuburg, Austria / Guest house for pilgrims at the St. Gemma convent, Lucca, Italy / Renovation of a detached house in Ragusa, Italy / Chesa Madalena (Galerie Tschudi), Zuoz, Switzerland / Residential laboratory in Utrecht, The Netherlands / Renovation of Le Corbusier double house villa, Stuttgart, Germany / Haus der Gegenwart, Munich, Germany
- "Investigating for you: It is often said that architectural training courses do not prepare young people sufficiently for professional practice and the training course content should be revised. In your own country, how would you rate the practical applicability of such training to day-to-day practice? What is it that you make sure your students take with them along the rocky path towards working in the profession?" with Françoise-Hélène Jourda (Paris), Cino Zucchi (Milan), Francisco Mangado (Pamplona)
- "Memory for the future" by Erick van Egeraat associated architects
- "The stuff that colours are made of" by Falk Tragor, Clariant GmbH
- "A well insulated outer shell is a prerequisite for passive houses. The traditional installation of built-on units often leads to heat bridges, however. How can this dilemma be resolved in an efficient and reliable manner?" by Mario Albiez of Sto Germany
- "For the purposes of selecting external wall insulation systems, joule values are frequently used to define shock-proof resistance. How are these values determined? And what information do they provide?" by Detlef keßler of Sto Germany
- "Electrosmog is something of a buzzword today. Should it be taken seriously? What measures can be undertaken?" by Dieter Stauder of Sto Germany
- "What is meant by 'transparent thermal insulation'? What functions do these systems perform and what are their suitable areas of application?" by Markus Zwerger of Sto Germany
- Systematic safety - Glass mosaic, ashlar or ceramic - these surface materials also offer officially approved safety on the StoVentec/StoVerotec ventilated rainscreen cladding system
- City guide: Courageous Leipzig
- IT centre at the site of the STAWAG company, Aachen, Germany (Hentrup-Heyers + Prof. Dr. Fuhrmann Architekten)
- Haus Broll, Ludwigsburg, Germany (architekten BDA)
- House in Zurlindenstrasse, Zurich, Switzerland (huggen_berger GmbH)
- Haus Beckmann, Gütersloh, Germany (beckmann.architekten)
- Sushi restaurant, Prague, Czechia (Atelier Kunc)
- DaimlerChrysler Van Technology Center, Stuttgart, Germany (Stölzle-Sahihi Architekten GmbH)
- Queen Mother Building, University of Dundee, United Kingdom (Page & Park)
- Office building of FIDUCIA IT AG, Karlsruhe, Germany (Architekturbüro Schmidt & Schmidt BDA DWB)
- Youth centre, Schwechat, Austria (Gobiet & Partner, ZT Ges.m.b.H)
- WEFASwiss AG, Thayngen, Switzerland (Axel Feiereisen, Berger & Bürgin Architektur)
- New building for the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum, Leipzig, Germany (Prof. Coersmeier GmbH, Friebe Nauber architects BDA)
- Bell Tower near the Central Stadium, Leipzig, Germany (ARGE Central Stadium Leipzig, Wirth + Wirth)
Cover of [ark] magazine No.04-2006: Sketch of University campus in Abuja, Nigeria, by Massimiliano Fuksas
Articles- Foreword by Jochen Stotmeister
- Three days devoted to the use of plaster and render in architecture: The ECOLA conference in Apulia
- "Everyday architecture: Social, affordable, ecological and...", by Gerhard G. Feldmeyer
- "Reinventing a skin still named plaster", by Konrad Wohlhage
- "Investigating for you: The demise of craftsmanship in the building sector has often been predicted against the background of industrial production. At the same time, many designers are only just beginning to rediscover the value of craftsmanship. Buildings and objects displaying visible signs of manual work are 'en vogue'. What role do craftsmanship skills and manual work in general play in your projects - and in your work at the drawing board?" by Ahmet Igdirligil (Bodrum), Imre Makovecz (Budapest) and Simon Henley (London)
- "A campus for Africa", by Massimiliano Fuksas
- "The colours of nature", by Dr. Friederike Woog
- "External wall insulation systems have become established as a standard solution in the area of rendered facades. Do facades insulated in this manner display an increased tendency to crack?", by Detlef Keßler of Sto Germany and Dariusz Czarny of Sto Poland
- "Cases of PCB contamination are continually in the news in connection with the renovation of skeleton-type buildings from the 1960s and 1970s. How is this evidently highly dangerous contaminant to be dealt with in the course of modernisation or conversion measures?" by Andreas Oberle of Sto Germany
- "A confusing plethora of different insulants is available on the market. What are the different types of insulant? How do they differ?", by Mario Albiez of Sto Germany
- "Hand-crafted to perfection"
- City guide: Utrecht - between Land and Water
- Experimental building, Welden, Germany (Gabriel Malzer)
- Zilverparkkade office building, Lelystad, The Netherlands (Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects (EEA))
- Hotel Nádor, Pecs, Hungary (Horváth és Patartics Èpitesz Iroda)
- International School, Bonn, Germany (RKW Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky Architektur + Städtebau)
- Conversion of a granary, Cologne, Germany (kister scheithauer gross Architekten und Stadtplaner GmbH)
- Commercial building, Pula, Croatia (Andrija Rusan, Desar GmbH)
- International School, Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland (CCHE Architecture)
- Ara Pacis Museum, Rome, Italy (Richard Meier & Partners Architects)
- Primary school, Krk, Croatia (Randic – Turato)
- Renovation journal / Part 2 - Multiple dwelling at Arend Braye Strasse 2-6, Lörrach, Germany
- Dollardstraat council estate, Utrecht, The Netherlands (Architectenbureau Jaco D. de Visser)
- 'de Schijf' old people's home in Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht, The Netherlands (SeARCH Architecten)